Introductory Information for New Scouts

  • Troops meetings are Monday evenings, at 7 pm.  Meetings usually end at about 8:30 pm, but sometimes may be extended a bit due to the amount of business that needs to be covered.
  • Each Scout pays $3.00 dues per meeting and is collected by the Patrol Scribe during “Patrol Corners”.  At the end of the year, these dues pay a portion of registration fees for one scout.
  • Our Scoutmaster is John Douglas. He has many years of Scouting experience and is always available to assist a Scout or Scouting parent.  His email is and his cell phone number is 310-628-4312.
  • Our Parent Committee Meetings are held monthly, the first Monday of each month, except on certain holiday weekends.  Consult our Calendar located here on our web site.
  • Our local Scout Council office H.Q. is located at 401 East 37th Street in Long Beach, between Atlantic Avenue and Long Beach Blvd.  The phone number is 562-427-0911.
  • If this exciting program is something you want your son to become a part of, your first step is to visit one of our troop meetings.  While visiting, please see the Troop Advancement Chairperson for an application form.
  • When the application form is completed, return it to the Troop Advancement Chairperson with an application check in the amount of $150 made out to “BSA Troop 212” This check covers the first years BSA registration fees, Long Beach Area Council fees, and some basic insurance coverage.